Sunday, June 8, 2008

full bellies

matt and i have been getting a csa (community supported agriculture) box for about 6 months now. our box, which makes its way down from full belly farm in yolo county, shows up every wednesday afternoon. all we have to do is pick it up from the delivery spot about five minutes away. we never know what will be in the box, and the contents are definitely more diverse than what i would normally buy from the store, so it forces us to haul out the cookbooks sometimes and to eat some of the stepchild vegetables. it has been an adventurous way to eat seasonally and freshly, and to feel more connected with where our food is actually produced.

a few weeks ago we discovered that the entire stone fruit crop at full belly had been wiped out because of a late frost, so our box would lack my favorite fruits this summer: plums, peaches, pluots... honestly, my first thought was that we should bail and sign up with another csa so that we could still eat oodles of fruit straight from the farm. but on second thought i realized that in some ways this was one of the benefits of being part of a csa; suddenly i was much more tied to our farm's fate, and more cognizant of the realities of growing and harvesting food. we are lucky to live in a place where we can get all sorts of local fruits and vegetables, so even with the unfortunate loss of full belly's fruit crop, we can still go to the farmer's market on saturday and load up on seasonal fruit.

matt's been making all sorts of meals with our boxes...i loved these roasted veggies: the new potatoes with pink flesh are called Huckleberries. YUM.

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