Thursday, December 13, 2012

double happy

that said, today celebrating goodness in the form of two dear ones in my life.
two birthdays, two friends who make my life richer.

first up? my friend jenny, who lives way too far away in the lovely town of pasadena. 
jenny and i married into the 805, aka a group of guys that grew up together in ventura, so we were forced to stick together amidst the guys. jenny is an amazing wife, mama, teacher, mentor, and friend, and every time we hang out it is good for my soul. she is a good listener and (wisely) speaks way less than i do, but when she speaks into my life she brings words of thoughtfulness and wisdom. plus she is the perfect foil to her (very hilarious) husband when necessary. 

for her birthday, i wish her a magical transmogrifier to zoom her up for a visit, as much sleep as she needs, two kids who do exactly as she desires for 24 whole hours and something cute.

second up? my near and dear nancy grace, who lucky for me lives 2.6 miles away. we share a long history, and have journeyed through some pretty glorious and awful stuff over the past 18 years or so. nancy is equal parts wise, funny, smart, generous and kind. she and her husband juggle their schedule to make it happen, and it is like a work of art. seriously. i get exhausted just trying to understand it. she gives all morning to her students and then gives the rest of the day when she slips back into mama mode. she's a crazy good baker, she's able to break down the most complicated political propositions (yes, we live in california) into normal, and unbiased language, she fights for health and life in dysfunctional & forgotten places, she champions her sons, and she knows how to rally. 

for her birthday, i wish her a kitchen with no dishes to wash- not even one, a morning where she can sleep in as long as she wants, a few hours to do exactly what she wants without little people pulling on her, a dance party, and a unending bottle of really good wine.

both of these women have been gifts to me so i hope they get buried in an avalanche of gifts themselves. who doesn't love presents?
happy, happy, so much happy to you both today & all year long!


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