Friday, January 21, 2011

i hear that

i basically spent all day in bed yesterday, sick. last night matt said he had never seen me so committed to sleeping when i was sick, since usually i get out of my sickbed far  sooner than i should (which i think is partly a result of being self-employed with no sick days for so many years.) 

so, since friday means no school for m, we are having a lazy morning here at home. ruby is napping, i'm drinking coffee, listening to music, and m is using my leg as a horsey and talking to her imaginary friends. (by the way, don't think it is all roses and unicorns- m has also been doing her fair share of not listening and taking some time-outs)
a few minutes ago, in between songs playing, m turned to me and said,

"i hear birds outside. i don't see them, but i can hear them singing." she was right - they weren't very loud, but the birds were a chorus outside. then she ran over to our front window, peering to find the birds she had heard, "i am going to look and see if i find them. oh, i see one out there but i hear a lot of singing, mommy."

crazy that she hears sounds sometimes more quickly than i do. maybe she is so tuned in and trained  to listening that she hears the sounds i take for granted.

regardless, it is a daily miracle. somehow through her deafness i hear more than i ever did in a lifetime.

have a wonderful friday- and don't forget to slow down and listen to the birds singing.


  1. Love this.

    Hope you're feeling better!

  2. no fun being sick :( we're sick at the anderson house too. boo.

  3. love those moments! nothing like them in the world.

    feel better!


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