Thursday, June 14, 2012

summer lovin'

was it just me and my college roommates that used to belt out grease songs, 
no karoake machine needed?
not sure.
oh but we used to rock those grease songs, especially at wedding receptions.
throw in "i will survive" too, for good measure.

all i know is that two years ago, matt & i attempted summer lovin at a karoake night, and it was the most dreadful thing i have ever heard. (shockingly, even though matt was guilt tripped and coerced into singing, i was the more dreadful one this time around. let's just say the key was a little bit too high for me, and i sounded like a dying cat, not like olivia newton john.)

but i digress,
this post is not about old john travolta movies or large groups of twenty-something girls singing at wedding receptions, but about that glorious time of year: 

this cutie
and this cutie
will be rocking my world all summer.
(please note the fine lines and wrinkles accumulating on my aged face. i can't even start on the fact that i totally have a turkey neck happening and i'm not even 40.)

i'm going to hit pinterest later this week to hunt for some fun summer activities with the girls,
but any tried & true suggestions from anyone on creative, simple, age appropriate things i can do with these monkeys?

(my secret motive: m has three weeks of summer school in july, but i'm trying to incorporate some intentional activities to keep up m's speech, language and listening skills (but that obviously she just thinks are fun.) that doesn't mean you have to have a kid with hearing loss to have good ideas-i can use any summer activity to maintain her skills. ahem, you also don't have to be a parent- do you remember fun summer stuff you did as a kid that you think i should do?) 

i'm all ears, my friends. 
hit me up in the comment section!


  1. I like the second photo. very funny that little angel!

  2. I bought this awesome science book for preschoolers and it rocks. Micah and I have done some of these simple experiments and it is "school-like" but really fun too. Also--I found some preschool cooking books too. Come join in OR come borrow books!

    1. dearest nancy, welcome back to the comments section. i love when you say hi. ;) i love it-i would probably never ever get a science book because it was never my strong suite, but that's why i ask- to balance myself out a bit. maybe we could do a joint experiment! (when is our class starting up again???)

  3. Such beautiful faces. The lines are indications of a life well lived. You are beautiful.

    1. kind words elizabeth- thank you. i know you've been around since m's early days; did you see she finished at her deaf school?

  4. we just joined our local library summer reading program today. you log the books you read and in august they give out prizes. I also started looking at Pinterest today to...I will keep you posted with what I come up with!

    1. thank you for the reminder! we've done that the last couple summers and it's so fun.

  5. We are nearly 2 weeks in to vacation and it's going much better than I anticipated (low expectations can be quite helpful). 2 things are saving me in the nitty gritty of the day-to day: 1)viv and I made a summer list - go to the beach, go on a train ride, build a fort, etc. 2)weekly themes: strawberries, fairies, ice cream, boats, etc. I plug in one simple activity a day loosely tied to the theme and call it a day. Draw a strawberry with oil pastels, bake strawberry muffins, fairy glitter nail polish, paint rocks for fairy garden,etc. The rest of the day is a crapshoot - but at least I know we'll enjoy one little creative endeavor!

    1. you're an awesome mom. i like the loose thematic action. did you plan out the entire summer already?

    2. Totally NOT awesome, I assure you. I just know that I have a tendency to "dream up" and then get (really) lazy when it comes to actually "doing". I have the themes planned on the calendar but not the daily activities. Those are usually fly by the seat of my pants (cause that's just how I roll), though I've pinned some stuff to give me ideas. Truly, this has nothing to do with awesome and everything to do with saving me from myself with weeks and weeks and weeks of summer looming! ;)

  6. Wow, can Hannah be my mom?

    Go to beach. Eat ice cream. Watch baseball games. BBQ. Eat berries and melons and peaches. That's summer to me.

    Miss you guys. I think you should definitely add hang out with the Hubers to your summer repertoire.

    1. Seriously. She is awesome. Love these and yes yes to huber hang. I'll email you.


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