Tuesday, June 26, 2012

this week from my phone

there is no wifi where we are staying so this post comes straight from my phone. the first night we got here m said, "i'm happy mommy." when i asked her why she said, "because there's no school tomorrow." guess it was time for vacation! we are lucky enough to have friends staying in cabins nearby, so the girls are having fun with friends & then we get family time too.


  1. So much to love about these pics! S'mores, books, special friends, ruby's swim cap to go with monrovia's cap, paints, Matt and Monrovia on my trampoline, all the seats in my van filled up! I am pretending that we are there in Tahoe with you all. Looks lovely. Enjoy!

  2. That lake is so clear! Oh, how beautiful. There is nothing better than a family vacation!!

  3. That looks like a wonderful vacation! (P.S. are you reading the Hunger Games?!)


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