Thursday, September 19, 2013

fall spiffing up

it's cleaning time around here.

and by around here
i obviously don't mean in my laundry room,
since it looks like this x 100 right now.

i won't show you the uncropped picture because it's depressing.

i've cleaned up the look of my blog,
since as you can see i've been back in the swing again in posting!

it's kind of back to school for the blog too, i guess.

have you caught up on what's going on around here these days?
if not, scroll down, my friends.
and don't forget to say hello.

any new blogs you've discovered lately?
or has instagram killed your blog reading?
it kind of killed my blog posting so i wouldn't be surprised.

i worked this morning, and soon headed off to volunteer in m's classroom. first time in there, so we'll see how it goes!
since i'm sure you want the play by play of my day.
happy thursday to you,
and may all of our laundry by washed, folded and put away by small elves or fairies.

1 comment:

  1. I am still anxiously awaiting the fairies. I just have laundry-generating gremlins.


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