Monday, May 16, 2016

file under things my mom taught me

remember points of joy?

bad day? good day? tracking points of joy is to note little moments that spark joy and remind you that it is going to be ok, even if you are waded down by a crappy day, week, or season. when i was a 21 year old emergency-credentialed teacher that was totally and completely overwhelmed by 35 4th and 5th graders my mom sat me down and said, "susannah? it's time for points of joy." or maybe she didn't sit me down, because i was very likely buried under a mound of blankets drowning my sorrows by eating snackwells by the box because it was 1996. what was i doing? i have no idea. god bless those poor kids that were in my class that year. i did my best, but i also was really struggling to walk through the doors of that classroom every day. i was living at my parents' house at the time, so every day when i got home, my mom would ask me what my points of joy were, despite the fact that i was miserable, dreadfully ill-prepared and stressed out in that classroom.

i'm not feeling quite so desperate these days (although i will not lie, i had a mid-life crisis flareup the other day ---is that a thing? i think so, because i had one.--- that i will probably blog about this week if i'm feeling vulnerable enough) but i've counted points of joy ever since. here are a few from my week:

*the peeping and cheeping of the new baby chicks currently house next to my studio in our laundry room

*lots of la croix sparkling water in my cabinet!

*jump roping with my girls in the backyard
*ruby's adorable my little pony play sessions. here she is lining them all up in a parade. (thanks to our friend amy jo for all of these ponies!)

*monday morning co-working with my friend amy, where my studio becomes her office

*watching monrovia rock the soccer. she got four goals on saturday! (ahem, maybe some happy accidents in there, but she felt victorious nonetheless.)
*slipping in to kiss my girls on their foreheads at night
*these insanely beautiful peonies popping up in the yard!
*the new sfmoma. incredible, beautiful, massive, inspiring. it made my week last sunday and monday to visit.
*playing around with new color combinations in my studio

*lounging on our backyard benches while matt gardens & the girls play

*field tripping to see teeny tiny crabs
*watching monrovia in the sound booth as she did a study for kids with cochlear implants. my sweet girl is so positive and willing to do things like this study.

any points of joy in your world?

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