Wednesday, May 6, 2009

happy teeth=happy me

bright and early this morning my brother aaron rang the doorbell. he was on little m duty while matt drove me to the oral surgeon to have my wisdom teeth pulled! it went quickly, and i feel asleep second after they popped the mask on my face. we were home around 8 o'clock, and little m was up and playing away with her uncle aaron.

i've spent the rest of the day sleeping, and probably will roll right back into bed, but wanted to say hello! all is well, but here's hoping my cheeks don't puff up like a balloon in the next few days!

gold stars to my caretaker-husband, and babysitting brother and mom.
lots of gold stars...


  1. Sooo glad to hear you're doing better! Rest up!

  2. Hey Sooz, if you need any ideas, here are some foods I ate the first few days after I got my wisdom teeth removed: smoothies, milkshakes, soup, mashed potatoes, jello, pudding, yogurt, and my personal favorite: graham crackers. You put them in your mouth and just suck on 'em till they get all nice and mushy. Glorious! Hope the teeth don't give you much trouble. You are a stud.

  3. oooh- good ideas sarah! thanks! ;)

  4. and if your cheeks do puff up, i bet that they will still be smaller than mine were when i got my wisdom teeth pulled! rest up!

  5. Milkshakes, definitely!!! XXOO


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