Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Best of 2009...

here's the deal!
for the next 16 days, i will be posting some of my picks for best of 2009.
some posts may be along traditional end-of-the-year lists,
while other topics may be a little less conventional.
so keep checking in until the end of december-
maybe you'll discover a new book, memory, food adventure, blog (etc.)
to tuck into your pocket for 2010!

last night i went to celebrate my dear friend (and forever roommate) nancy's birthday, along with dear friend #2, amy. we channeled ten years ago and went out without babies in tow, ate a good meal together, and then headed to the m.a.c. counter (as in makeup, not computers) to get mini makeovers. every time i mentioned trying out a different color of eye shadow, the cute makeup-ista (i don't know- if a barista foams your milk, then i say a makeup-ista shadows & glosses your face) would say, "let's get this party started!" um, ok. it was super cute the first time, but then she said it like 12 times. and also, i think i could be her mom, because she was like 14 years old. nonetheless, she inspired me for today's close to this post...
let's get this party started!
lots of best of 2009 moments to come!


  1. Did you know that favorite things are among my very favorite things? And I can't wait to read yours, sweet friend!

    (And by the way, I thought you were looking a little extra glossy today - gorgeous, as always! How I love new containers of glossies and shadows and whatnot.)

    Now, let's get this party started!

  2. i wore my haux and purple eye shadow today and thought of how fun last night was. thanks. i heart lists and pictures.

  3. is that moscato (sp?)? Yumminess!

  4. having once dated a manager of a mac make-up counter, i am familiar with their work. i can just see you after hearing that for the 12th time...hilarious.


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