Saturday, June 9, 2012

saturday morning dance party

yes, my daughter is deaf.
yes, sometimes experts say that deaf people with cochlear implants don't enjoy music much.

yes, we like to move it move it. 


  1. clearly those experts have not met our daughters!!

  2. OMG. I especially liked your "whoa" s. Awesome.

  3. HOLY A_W_E_S_O_M_E_N_E_S_S!!!
    and ps...i love M's hair!!

  4. They haven't met my Peas either!!

  5. I love it, love it! Aiden's been really shaking his groove thing so much more lately and I love every.little.thing about it!

  6. totally dying.

    somebody also likes to prove the experts wrong. she likes to prove it, prove it. ;)

    and that hair.
    i want her hair.

  7. 1) i think I recognized some of those dance moves from her mama's college days
    2) I thoroughly enjoyed Ruby's participation
    3) seriously, can we come over and have a dance party? the boys are grooving' these days and even Sophie bops along with us

  8. Ish and I are enthralled. He keeps asking for "dancing 'rovia." And Ruby is hilarious with her attempts to remain close and involved. So freaking cute.

  9. also, the butt shake at the beginning is priceless.

  10. what is up fly girl!! mini fergie - you should be proud


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