Sunday, May 8, 2016

Catching up

These lovely blooms are from my brother Aaron & his wife Sarah, who not only hosted our family for a beautiful and whole 30 compliant lunch (more on that later this week), but then they gifted my mom, my sister and I with these gorgeous bouquets! I'm a sucker for intentional, loving gestures like that. And for crazy pretty flowers too. 

Lots of thoughts this Mother's Day, so maybe tomorrow I'll write about them. 
For now I'm going to savor the fact that my kids are asleep, sit by the fire, read the New York Times, and hog the entire couch while my poor husband gets squished against the arm of the sofa.  

Today, I'm thankful for these girls. They about kill me on a daily basis, but I sure love them. And so very grateful for my extended tribe that shapes my kids, supports me on dark parenting days, listens when I'm bragging about them, and loves on my little humans as they make their way through this world.

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