Monday, August 2, 2010


on saturday i headed to the renegade craft fair in san francisco with my mom and sister. oh, and i took ruby too, since she is a one-woman feeding machine, and pretty much snacks around the clock.

there was a country music festival happening right next to the craft fair and apparently, i missed the memo that the uniform was super short denim cutoff shorts and cowboy boots since every female we saw heading to that event was wearing that ensemble except for us. oh well.

i went last year with matt and monrovia, and trying to navigate this space (see below) with a one year old was pretty much impossible and not so much fun. imagining a two year old running amok in this scene? uh, not feasible.
lots and lots of people!

so matt stayed home with m. with the help of my mom and sister, i pulled off some slick mom moves and fed ruby while sitting on the not so clean ground. i was pretty impressed with myself.
she looks a little scared, but she slept on me almost the entire time
and with her fauxhawk she fit in nicely with all of the hipsters and craftsters
here's the thing: i would be a way better blogger if i had actually used the camera i decided to bring to document cute stuff. suffice it to say, my wallet left lighter & i own more trinkets (as matt likes to say)!
there was nooooooo parking anywhere nearby, we trekked at least half an hour to and from our car, critiquing all of the multi-million dollar homes on our way.  (an observation: more money does not automatically equate better taste. )

i have to say, it was pretty inspiring to look at so many makers' work. a lot of it looks similar or at least shares an aesthetic, but nonetheless it was refreshing and inspiring to think about the value of craft and workmanship and creativity in this land of huge target and walmart stores and mass produced stuff with little gold 'made in china' stickers slapped on.

come along next time! i promise- it's worth the long walk to parking.


  1. What a great time- it is so nice to get one-on-one time with kids! Ruby looks a lot like little M- you can definitely tell they're sisters!

  2. such a good time with you and mom (and ruby!)...and well worth the walk


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