Friday, December 3, 2010

be still my beating heart

"i'm an artist. i'm an artist just like you, mommy."


  1. so cute. almost as cute as her lack of pants

  2. Seriously Susannah, can you stop posting the cutest pictures/things your adorably sweet children do! It's just tooo much for me!

    okay, really don't stop beacuse everyday I wake up to my google reader full of more cuteness and it makes my day!

  3. Wow -- what a moment!! Ben does not yet articulate any aspirations to be a mathematician, but music is clearly going to be a huge part of his life, and that just about puts me in tears (of joy) sometimes.

  4. I love it! Nolan still insists he's a dinosaur, so he's following his own path right now, lol.

  5. oh man. that makes me teary. If Micah ever says anything near this...I will roll over and die.

  6. well amy- she's only copying me. i, too, do all my artmaking in my underwear. i kid i kid.

  7. Hey niece can you stop growing up so fast. Thank you. Uncle Johnny


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