Monday, February 7, 2011

reading time

m's latest favorite activity: to read to her baby sister. 
 she is very serious & focused, and makes up a story or summarizes the real thing from memory
 then she points to the page and asks, "can you find the window?" or "what do you see?"
savoring these sweet sister moments,
because soon ruby will be able to grab the book or be a little less compliant with her big sister's agenda.


  1. Great stuff! What a sweet scene. And my mother says that that was my favorite book when I was a baby. We have a cute picture of Ben "reading" it at about 3 months (it's propped up on his lap), but alas, he hasn't loved it as I did.

  2. It's a staple book in our house too! I especially love how M asks Ruby the literacy questions!! She obviously has some good modeling goin' on.

  3. i love this...the best motivation to read is the warm fuzzies and nostalgia you feel when you pick up a book...this what brings you those warm fuzzies...these memories


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