Saturday, April 7, 2012


hope you have a lovely saturday!

we've had a lazy morning at home in pj's eating waffles and strawberries; 
next off to a friend's house for a little playdate!

as usual matt and i have lots of plans for home improvement and beautification projects,
but i kind of doubt they'll happen.



  1. Sarah and I have collectively determined that this picture was not taken in your house this lazy Saturday morning. These blue cups are unrecognizable. We also don't think you have a bamboo cutting board, and then there's the issue of the espressos. While you may have a secret espresso machine tucked out of sight, we're quite positive that you don't have a secret barista to make you picture perfect leafs in your espressos. Though, maybe you picked one up when you bought the chickens.

    1. dear saaron, they often say two minds are better than one. but in this case, you have no idea how wrong you are. we actually bought our new chicks in order to make us daily cappuccinos. they have an entire cafe set up down in the studio, and they drag their cute little (gloved) claws across the foam to make the delicate design. as for the bamboo tray and heath ceramic mugs? the chicks are very high class. they wouldn't settle for ikea cups & tray.

    2. (ahem, in truth, i did almost write a disclaimer that those pretty cups were from blue bottle at moma a few weeks ago, but why not project an air of sophistication if one can? ;))

  2. Well, Susannah Prinz, if that's your real name... You should know that because of certain recent errors in journalistic media, such as the Chinese Factory Scandal, fact-checking has never before been more pertinent. The content you provide from here on out will undergo constant fact-checking by the Saaron. Your voice is an essential part of your readers lives and any ethical hiccups will not be tolerated. Be advised.

    1. under advisement. over and out saaron (and if you need a delightful poultry cafe experience, you know where i live)

  3. Non-fat double latte with sugar-free salmonella. Extra hot, please.

  4. saaron do you have a blog? cause i'd're funny

    1. they should, but they only guest blog in the comments section.

  5. saying hello! friends with Jessica (Johnson), your comment on her last post had me cracking up - just wanted to say hello so you knew i'm not a creepy random follower ;)

  6. hello there! ;) glad i could make you laugh ;) alas, i swear i am always funnier on other people's blogs than on my own. i always see you on her instagram feed so i feel like i know you- haha


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