Thursday, February 12, 2009

choosing joy=me

today continues to be a battling sort of day. the insurance company is just being lame. i'll write more later, but i refuse to be defeated into a downward spiral of sadness, so instead of bemoaning just how much of my week i have wasted on the phone or emailing with not very nice people, whose job it is to say no to me, i am going back to a happy place.

as my mom would say, i am revisiting a point of joy: tandem biking with matt (even though at the time the bike was kind of broken so matt thought i was steering us all over the place, and yet again sucking at an athletic endeavor when really truly it was the bike's fault. once he figured that out he stopped blaming me for all of the swerving and pulling and thus i stopped being defensive, and we had an absolutely fantastic time biking on this bike: )
on this city wall which circles the italian city of lucca:pretty, huh?


  1. S, yay for choosing joy, and so happy your joy includes a tandem bike with your husband in lucca!

    (vince & i were just talking about lucca at dinner the other night. it's such a special place.)

  2. Choosing joy = very smart thing to do right now. With regard to the more unpleasant matter, however -- is it possible for your surgeon to intervene on your behalf? Ours wrote a letter of "medical necessity" (citing all the benefits of early implantation), and that carried a lot of weight.

    In the meantime, choose joy, and look forward to a successful surgery (whenever it happens) and the beginning of a fantastic era for M. Kids implanted at age 1 do marvelously. She'll amaze you.


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