Wednesday, February 3, 2010

big girl

i looked at my daughter yesterday,
and all of a sudden i realized that my baby was gone.
she looks so...
big girl to me!


  1. Ummm, seriously! I thought the same thing when I saw M with her fabulous big-girl pigtails yesterday at school...

    Sometimes I look at Viv and I'm like - "What are you, 12?!" - our babies are big girls!

  2. Oh my! She sure is and such a beautiful one at that!! I was thinking the same thing of Aiden the other day ... where did my baby go?

  3. It is a bittersweet day when you see more child than baby in your toddler. She is definitely starting to look more "little girl" than "baby!"

  4. Oh I remember that day too. Since then I've caught more glimpses of what my boys may look like as young men. I shudder when I think of them as tall as me. Oh wow!

  5. i love her khakis...definitely a big girl...and soon, a big sister!!

  6. She is seriously so cute. Her pigtails killed me.

  7. I thought the same thing!!! What a doll!!

  8. any day now and she'll fit in those chucks that i got her, size 10...


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