Friday, February 12, 2010

making valentines

(m and i made valentines for the first time this wednesday night for her friends at school)
our table was a mess of red and pink crayons, paper, stickers, pompoms and glitter.
her favorite parts were the mini pompoms and the glittery heart stickers.
she didn't quite understand the concept that we were making these pretty cards to give away,
so she didn't appreciate when i whisked them away from her to stick in envelopes, protesting with, "no! no! noooooooo!!!!!!"
happy 22 months of life, little one.
i love being your mommy & your valentine.
(and happy three months today to baby sadie, my sweet niece!)


  1. I love holidays with children. There is something wonderful about the glue and the glitter, sticky fingers and giggles. Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Little M is lucky to have such skilled help! Q, with some assistance from me, made Valentines over the course of two evenings after school. Amazingly, out of a class of 24, she was the only child who had homemade Valentines, glittery, sparkly, simple, but oh-so-satisfying!

    Here's to many years of Valentine production for you & your little ones!

  3. can we find Roro's stuff at Target yet?


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