Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i'm famous

a few months ago, i got an email from papyrus about a new movie coming out about valentine's day, starring ashton kutcher as a florist. they were going to include some of my cards on a display rack of papyrus cards in the movie, so i had to sign, giving my permission for my valentine's day cards to be included somewhere in the background.

now, i have no idea how amazing or sucky this movie is, but besides the fact that i like to frequent a girly love movie now and again, i might also get a glimpse of one of my cards in one of the scenes. who knows? soon maybe i'll be gracing the red carpet with ryan seacrest and popping up on the pages of us weekly. or not.


  1. ryan seacrest is already your biggest fan. he just keeps all the adoration letters in a drawer because he knows that his love will go unrequited.

  2. Ahhhhh! This is so exciting. I will admit I am soooooo looking forward to seeing this movie (it reminds me of Love, Actually - a favorite - we'll see if it lives up) - but now I am so much MORE excited to see it. I will be looking out for my FAVORITE cards by one of my favorite people!

  3. WOW! That is so amazing and whoever would have thought that your cads would be in a movie? I wonder which ones we'll see!!

  4. Woohoo! I hope Demi doesn't get jealous.

  5. you're totally famous! i wonder if any of the stars got to take home your cards for free...you know like how they get to take home their wardrobe for free?

  6. that is so fun! love it and now i can definitley convince jeff he should take me.

    take care,

  7. cool. maybe you'll go international via the film.

  8. i was just browsing the aisles looking for a v day card from you! i'm still looking :) i know your card will make Nanners very happy next weekend!

  9. Oh my goodness! That is so wonderfully exciting!!!


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