Tuesday, May 24, 2011


it seems like m was just turning one!
and now, somehow,
she is three (three!)

today little ruby

who didn't even used to be here
and was just an idea
a possibility
a potential

is one whole year old.
i can hardly believe it's been a year!
i'm not gonna lie- two kids has been a whole lot harder than i imagined; 
i think matt and i are still trying to figure out what two children means for logistics, division of labor, schedules, free time, etc.
that said, i absolutely adore our sweet, joyful, snugglebug ruby.
she is the first person m wants to see every morning,
and the sound of their laughter and playtimes melts me every time.
i am trying to savor the moments that i know will be gone all too soon- the way she lays her head on my shoulder when she's tired, her little looks up at me while she nurses, the way she delicately plucks cheerios off her food tray and then stuffs them in her mouth, the way she just wants to be held pretty much all the time.

dear ruby,
i love you from here all the way to the deep blue sky. i love how you add the sound of more laughter to our house. i love your little body snuggled into mine. i love the way you watch everything your big sister does with a half smile of anticipation on your face. i love love love you.
love, mommy


  1. i love you little ruby! You are pretty darn cute.

  2. my little snugglebug,Riley, still loves to put his head on my shoulder when he's tired and he still loves to be held a ton - even though he's FOUR. so, there's hope that maybe ruby won't outgrown that trait too soon!

    happy birthday ruby!


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