Thursday, February 9, 2012


my sweet daughter hung out with her friend justice this weekend. 
they had SO much fun adventuring all day and she was so tired that she fell asleep.
in a convertible.
with a hot dog in her hand.

i'm not as cute as she is when she's sleeping or i'd take one right this second of how i am awake, 
but sleeping. or at least it feels like that.

guess what's awesome?
guess what i don't get enough of?

signing off,
exhibit a, 

ps am i the only one who is incredibly impressed that my daughter is holding a ketchup slathered food product in a windy car and her sweatshirt has nary a stain in sight?

(february 4, 2012)


  1. I love this....and I love that you can drive a convertible in February. :)

  2. a) my first thought was "how does she not have condiment on her shirt?!?" (and that was before i read about being in a convertible)

    b) did you get a new car?

    c) m has a talent for being able to sleep in a car. amazing.

  3. i am totally impressed. seriously.

  4. wow. that is one tuckered girl. impressive.

  5. the girl has got serious talent. love it.


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