Friday, February 10, 2012

turn off your computer & hug the people you love

my heart is so heavy this morning
i can't get this out of my mind.

there is a mom at m's preschool co-op
who has two little kids, beautiful children, 
just like me.

i hardly know her;
but she is friends with a couple of friends of mine
i've had a few connections with her over the last couple of years.

she has been fighting cancer, hard, 
and it came back 
is taking over her body.
she is very, very, very sick.

she is a mom, just like me.
and she won't get to see her kids next birthdays.
her husband won't get to snuggle with her at night.
i don't even have words.

sometimes the world is very broken.

(so let's be grateful for today, whatever it holds & 
soak up the goodness of having people we love and who love us.)


  1. i'm about to leave to pick up my two boys and then back home to meet my sweet girl off the bus. after all i've read today, i've decided we're going to have an afternoon movie/hot chocolate/popcorn party. this is the third thing today - first was a story about three teens killed in one crash (9 teen girls out to have a sleepover), then an eleven year old killed from crossing the street as he headed to his friends, and now this. my heart is heavy. yes, hug your kids, hug your husband and breath them in. it's sad that sometimes it takes reminders like this to get us to slow down and just enjoy the moment. prayers for your friend and her family.

  2. thinking of your friend and her family, so very much.
    thinking of you, too.
    off to soak up my sweeties (thank you for the reminder).

  3. how can i comment when i took your advice and turned off the computer to hug my kids. come back commenter. heehee


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