Friday, November 2, 2012

do i dare?

(awesome picture of ruby is fully unrelated to post, 
but check out her hip ensemble: 
trendy one piece jumper- check, vintage plastic camera- check, tattoo- check, 
cool kids hat- check, complete disregard for posing- check)

i've sort of been missing the rhythm of blogging more often, and it seems like it is the time of year when adding a bit of habit to my routine would be good. back in november 2010, i did thirty posts in thirty days. what do you say? i'm a day late in starting, but how about a little reboot to the frequency of posts around here? thirty posts in thirty days? think i can do it?

ps i also really like comments- it makes blogging like more of a conversation instead of just a monologue. so feel free to say hi anytime. just click that little comment button below the post and throw something out there. maybe someone out there is up for thirty comments in thirty days...


  1. Replies
    1. YOU actually inspired me with your 30 days of grace & love posts!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. i actually liked your double do it was like you were REALLY wanting me to do it

  3. I think another 'post a day for a month' run sounds great. :-)

  4. you have some committed commentors. Daphne rocks it and we all wish Hannah P were our friend and share the comment love. But thanks for the 30 comments on 30 posts challenge...will there be a prize for most comments? cause then i'm in.

    1. so true. i have quite a few committed commenters. there WILL be a prize- and if there needs to be? more than one. so come on, y'all, and get in the habit of talking back to me. ;)

  5. I love this idea! I have neglected my blog since September! (and I love a challenge-comment1)

    1. bring it!! there will be a prize of some awesomeness.

  6. Ruby, can you teach me how to dress like a hipster? Now that I live in Oakland I need to know!

    Yes, post more. Yes, I'll comment more.

    Come home soon so we can hang out.

    P.S. Thanks for your recent comment love. XOXO.

    1. and...we're back! (in oakland) and i'm back! (on the blog)


Hi friends! This is where you talk back to me. :) Easy peasy: write your comment, then scroll down where it says "comment as" to identify yourself (if you want to just write your name click Name/URL or just click anonymous. xoxoxoxo