Tuesday, January 6, 2009


little m got a very special and very beautiful present in the mail this week from all the way across the country! my cousin, laird, his wife, rose, and their two kiddos, quinn and klaas live way too far away in maine. i love getting packages, letters, and boxes in the mail. since little m is so young i still get to open all of the mail addressed to her (but i give her the envelopes or tissue paper to chew on as i open them.) this week little m and i opened a box from maine with a wonderful handknit dress inside. once she gets a little bit larger, little m will get to sport the supercute dress that rose knit for her! as you can see, she was delighted with it and proceeded to snuggle with it all afternoon. it's now in safekeeping until she gets a bit older, but i think she could tell how special it was from the look of delight on her face. 

sending our love all the way across the country from california to our family back in chilly lewiston, maine. special hugs and kisses from little m to her fair haired second cousins quinn and klaas.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the fun stuff that comes in the mail for my kids. Now 3 out 5 know it's for them, so I get to look over shoulders to see.

    I just want to hug you and encourage you with your precious little m. I think it's important to understand and remember when it was so painfully hard. BTway I still cry often. With each success I realize that I have been the best I could be in this new normal for our lives. It's not always about us mommies. It's always about how we can make sure we are doing the "right" things, but we grieve what was hoped for even years later when we see a kid question the things on "that kid's head". I know God has blessed us with an amazing little boy that has taken my husband and I through trials we never expected, but brought us closer and stronger as a couple. Blessings new friend.


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