Friday, November 5, 2010


here's my two little munchkins in their costumes!
someone wanted to be a purple bumblebee.
thanks to some maternal ingenuity, 
$7 (for the purple dress on clearance), 
some black paint & glitter squirreled away in my miscellaneous art supplies bin, 
a pair of silver antenna, 
and a leftover pair of purple wings given as a favor at a recent birthday party...

we got ourselves a purple bumblebee who was quite delighted to fly around.

piglet was a little more low key, 
although the purple bumblebee insisted that ruby also wanted to be a purple bumblebee.
hmm. maybe.


  1. Adorable! I love the purple bumblebee- Miss M is quite creative (hmm...I wonder where she got that wonderful trait... LOL)!

    Ruby is just precious as a baby Piglet!

  2. CUTE! And I love that you don't have to wear layers and layers under the costumes like we have to do here. I love CA...


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