Saturday, October 18, 2008

great news!

two pieces of super great news!
1. little m's cochlear implant surgery is currently scheduled for october 31st! that means for halloween she'll be dressed as a hospital patient. insurance has not yet given approval, but the surgeon is going ahead assuming they will. yay!

2. yesterday matt, his mom, little m and i met with the head of special ed for oakland. she's in charge of all kids in the district from zero to 22 years old. after a long week i honestly did not have the energy for a fight. we were asking for oakland's early start program to fund little m going down to therapy in redwood city at jean weingarten peninsula oral school for the deaf  instead of having her work with one of oakland's infant deaf teachers. not only did they ok it without a fight (YAY!), but they also approved mileage reimbursement for our drive down and back to the school. i'd like to think it was the fabulous letter i wrote on little m's behalf, outlining all of the reasons they should fund it, but who knows. all i know is it is wonderful news. not that i want to use little m as a pawn or anything, but she was super charming while we were there! matt just held her as she played, grinned, and otherwise distracted-with-cuteness the school district representative.



    also, i didn't know you loved wendell berry. i do too and always have a hard time finding stuff by him. he is amazing.

    and tonight, a poem for the cutest monrovia:

    who are you,little i
    (five or six years old)
    peering from some high

    window;at the gold

    of november sunset

    (and feeling that:if day
    has to become night

    this is a beautiful way)

    - e.e. cummings

  2. Yeah! So glad with the 3 of you.


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